
M/S Bioneer Green Energy Pvt Ltd has extensive Research and Development work experience spanning over 45 years.

We lead the future for reducing the dependency on fossil fuels by focusing on Alternate fuels – Biodiesel, Algae to Biofuels / Green Hydrogen, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Gravity Energy Storage Technologies, Industrial Co2 Mitigation / Carbon Sequestration and conversion of Post Consumer Waste Plastics and Municipal Solid Waste to Green Hydrogen / Electricity.

M/S Bioneer Green Energy Pvt Ltd has extensive Research and Development work experience spanning over 45 years.

We lead the future for reducing the dependency on fossil fuels by focusing on Alternate fuels – Biodiesel, Algae to Biofuels / Green Hydrogen, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Gravity Energy Storage Technologies, Industrial Co2 Mitigation / Carbon Sequestration and conversion of Post Consumer Waste Plastics and Municipal Solid Waste to Green Hydrogen / Electricity.

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